
These aquatic plants are found all over the world. L. minor, known as Duckweed, is a tiny plant that floats on top of the water. It produces light green leaves, which have only a single root. Duckweed spreads rapidly and if not controlled will become a nuisance. This plant is eaten by fish and waterfowl, which help to keep its rapid growth in check. Duckweed prefers cooler temperatures and may disappear over hot summer months, but return when temperatures cool down again. L. trisulca, Star Duckweed or Ivy-leaved Duckweed, is a variety that floats just below the surface of the water. It produces elliptical, almost transparent, pale green leave, which form three branches. This plant isn't as aggressive a grower as its cousin. During the winter in cooler climates, it will sink to the bottom of the pond and attach itself to the mud. The plants float to the surface for blooming.

Pot Cultivation

These plants are simply set on the surface of the water since they are floating plants. The Ivy-leaved Duckweed will root in soil. Some plants may be wintered indoors in a lighted aquarium to ensure a supply for the next season.


It spreads rapidly by itself.

L. trisulca


  • L. trisulca. 

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